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President’s Pen – April 2024

President’s Pen – April 2024

I can’t believe our 2nd Quarter Board Meeting is just a few weeks away. I look forward to seeing you on April 19th and 20th at the Embassy Suites Hotel Round Rock. As always, we will conduct important business, and hear from informative speakers you don’t want to miss. For details on our Board Meeting, click HERE. I was honored to represent TFRW at the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Spring Board Meeting last month in Washington D.C. I got...
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President’s Pen – March 2024

President’s Pen – March 2024

Just a few short days to Primary Election Day and I, like many of you, am anxious to move forward to the November General Election. This Primary has been one of the most divisive primaries I’ve encountered in years. I’ve seen clubs divided and relationships fractured. I admire those of you who have shown true leadership in this climate of division and chaos. We, as members of TFRW, have an opportunity to demonstrate what politics CAN and SHOULD look like. I want...
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President’s Pen – February 2024

President’s Pen – February 2024

What a fabulous day and weekend of celebration with a record attendance not only at our first Board meeting but at Leadership Day in Georgetown. Words cannot express my gratitude to each and every one of you who attended. Your enthusiasm and energy brought excitement to the day and I truly hope you left rejuvenated and ready to roll up your sleeves. We have a lot of work to do! Debra and Sarah made sure everything fell together perfectly with the...
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President’s Pen – January 2024

President’s Pen – January 2024

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! I am extremely excited to start a new year! I know it will be a year of major challenges, but we can and we will work together to make it one of the very best. We must stand strong together, united to make a difference and to keep our Texas Red. I encourage you to use all the resources available on the TFRW website and please read this newsletter. Education and communication will empower women...
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President’s Pen – December 2023

President’s Pen – December 2023

As I started writing this article, I was blindsided with the realization that this is my last article as your TFRW President. What I intended to complete in 30 minutes turned into a several-hour project. How can I possibly express what we have accomplished and what the last two years have meant to me in just a few paragraphs? Leadership can be difficult but throughout my term, the countless examples of the passion, enthusiasm and dedication displayed by TFRW clubs and...
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President’s Pen – November 2023

President’s Pen – November 2023

As we close the books on an incredibly successful TFRW convention, I am humbled and energized by the passion, dedication, and vision exhibited during our three days together in Irving. Throughout the convention, we celebrated our achievements and charted the course for our future. It was an honor to welcome our new officers and I look forward to watching TFRW grow and succeed under President Zenia Warren’s leadership. Our convention would not have been as successful without Convention Chair Cindy Burkett...
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